
We are building this project for graduate student instructors who, for various obvious reasons, are not—and may have no interest in becoming—pedagogy enthusiasts. The hope for this project is that it will give you the info you need to succeed in the classroom, digested and presented by people like me who make time to do this work for you.

As far as I’m concerned, teacher training at this level should aim to accomplish the following three things:

(1) address concerns specific to your current classroom,
(2) help your teaching fit within the larger program to which your specific course belongs, and
(3) give you enough broader background so you can talk shop about teaching beyond your particular course and program. Think job market.

Your focus as PhD students has to be on scholarship. These days, however, there are few academic worlds in which teaching isn’t taken seriously to one degree or another. The people developing this project know this and are developing it to help you—to decrease any suffering you experience and time you waste while increasing your success on the job market and beyond.

Please be as accommodating as you can be while we try to help you.

—James F. Patterson

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